ISSN: 1307-279X
Anesthetic Management of Maffuccı’s Syndrome Out Side the Operating Room: Case Report [YMJ]
YMJ. 2009; 3(10): 198-201

Anesthetic Management of Maffuccı’s Syndrome Out Side the Operating Room: Case Report

Serap Karacalar1, Hatice Türe1, Ethem Günören2, Binnur Sarıhasan1
1Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Faculty Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
2Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Faculty Department of Plastic Surgery

Maffucci's syndrome is a congenital disease characterized with enchondromatosis and multiple soft tissue haemangiomata due to neuro-ectodermal dysplasia. Maffucci's syndrome is a rare clinical condition that presents difficulties concerning its anesthetic management. In this presentation, our anesthesia approach on the patient with Maffucci's syndrome with multiple haemangiomata along the upper airways requiring intralesional sclerotherapy is described.

Keywords: Maffucci's Syndrome, Anesthesia

Maffucci Sendromlu Hastada Ameliyathane Dısı Anestezi Uygulaması: Olgu Sunumu

Serap Karacalar1, Hatice Türe1, Ethem Günören2, Binnur Sarıhasan1
1Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Faculty Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
2Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Faculty Department of Plastic Surgery

Maffucci sendromu, nöro-ektodermal displaziye bağlı olarak gelisen, enkondromlar ve multiple yumusak doku hemangiomları ile karakterize konjenital bir hastalıktır. Bu sunumda, üst hava yolunda çok sayıda hemangiomları olan ve lezyon içine sklerozan madde enjeksiyonu yapılan hastada anestezi yaklasımımız sunulmustur

Anahtar Kelimeler: Maffucci Sendromu, Anestezi

Manuscript Language: English
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