YMJ. 2014; 8(29): 743-746
Turhan Ozler1, Ozlem Uysal Sonmez2, Orhan Onder Eren2, Isın Dogan Ekici4, Melih Guven5, Cagatay Ulucay1, Başak Oyan Uluc61Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
2Yeditepe University Hospıtal Department of Oncology, Turkey
3Yeditepe University Hospıtal Department of Oncology, Turkey
4Yeditepe University Hospıtal Department of Pathology, Turkey
5Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
6Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of Oncology
Synovium is a rare site of metastasis for solid tumors. Only 50 cases of synovial metastasis from solid tumors have been previously reported in literature. While the knee is the most common target, most common histological type of the primary is adenocarcinoma and the lung is the most common site of the primary (12 cases). In this article we present two cases of synovial metastasis from non-lung primaries as one patient with bladder cancer and the other patient with colon cancer.
Keywords: Cancer ; synovium; metastasis; adenocarcinoma.
Turhan Ozler1, Ozlem Uysal Sonmez2, Orhan Onder Eren2, Isın Dogan Ekici4, Melih Guven5, Cagatay Ulucay1, Başak Oyan Uluc61Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
2Yeditepe University Hospıtal Department of Oncology, Turkey
3Yeditepe University Hospıtal Department of Oncology, Turkey
4Yeditepe University Hospıtal Department of Pathology, Turkey
5Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
6Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of Oncology
Sinovyum solid tümörlerin nadiren metastaz yaptığı bir bölgedir. Literatürde bildirilmiş olan yaklaşık 50 sinovyal metastaz olgusu mevcuttur.En sık primer tümör akciğer olup en sık tutulan eklem diz eklemidir. Bu makalede primeri akciğer dışı olan 2 olgu sunulmuştur. ilki mesane kanserli bir hasta olup, ikincisinin primeri ise kolon kanseridir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: kanser ; sinovyum ; metastaz; adenokarsinom.
Manuscript Language: English