ISSN: 1307-279X
Yellow nail syndrome associated with sjögren’s syndrome [YMJ]
YMJ. 2010; 4(13): 274-277

Yellow nail syndrome associated with sjögren’s syndrome

Yasar Kucukardali1, Fevzi Firat Yalniz1, Ayse Ayrilmaz1, Asuman Erkılınç2, Burcu Yetimoglu3, Selim Pata4
1Yeditepe University Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine İstanbul / Turkey
2Yeditepe University Medical School, Department of Dermatology İstanbul/ Turkey
3Yeditepe University Medical School, Department of Radiology İstanbul / Turkey
4Yeditepe University Medical School, Department of Otorhinolaryngology İstanbul / Turkey

Yellow Nail Syndrome (YNS) consists of the triad of deformed yellow nails, lymphedema and pleuraleffusion . The syndrome is common among middle aged individuals. This is an infrequently reported clinical entity with only few cases reported from our country.

Keywords: Yellow nail syndrome, Sjögren’s syndrome, lymphedema, pleural effusion.

Sjögren sendromu ile ilişkili sarı tırnak sendromu

Yasar Kucukardali1, Fevzi Firat Yalniz1, Ayse Ayrilmaz1, Asuman Erkılınç2, Burcu Yetimoglu3, Selim Pata4
1Yeditepe University Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine İstanbul / Turkey
2Yeditepe University Medical School, Department of Dermatology İstanbul/ Turkey
3Yeditepe University Medical School, Department of Radiology İstanbul / Turkey
4Yeditepe University Medical School, Department of Otorhinolaryngology İstanbul / Turkey

Sarı tırnak sendromu plevral efüzyon, lenfödem ve distrofik sarı tırnaklarla karakterize bir hastalıktır. Hastaların çoğunluğunu orta yaş bayanlar oluşturur. Oldukça nadir görülen bu sendrom ülkemizde birkaç vaka raporunda tanımlanmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Sarı tırnak sendromu, Sjögren Sendromu, lenfödem, plevral efüzyon.

Manuscript Language: English
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