ISSN: 1307-279X
Gastrointestinal Involvement of Behcet’s Disease [YMJ]
YMJ. 2009; 3(12): 248-252

Gastrointestinal Involvement of Behcet’s Disease

Fevzi Firat Yalniz1, Baki Ekici2, Muhammed Nuri3, Mehmet Çağlıkülekci2
1Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul
2Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Istanbul
3Cerrahpasa Medical School, Department of General Surgery, Istanbul

Behcet was a Turkish dermatologist who first described the triad of relapsing iridocyclitis with recurrent oral and genital ulcerations in 1937. The gastrointestinal manifestations of Behcet's disease (BD) have become recognized as a distinctive type of Behcet's syndrome called intestinal Behcet's syndrome. We describe a rare case of Behçet's disease with rectal ulcer and discuss the difficulties in making a differential diagnosis between Behçet's disease and the inflammatory bowel diseases.

Keywords: Behcet Disease, Gastrointestinal involvement

Behçet Hastalığının Gastrointestinal Tutulumu

Fevzi Firat Yalniz1, Baki Ekici2, Muhammed Nuri3, Mehmet Çağlıkülekci2
1Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul
2Yeditepe University Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Istanbul
3Cerrahpasa Medical School, Department of General Surgery, Istanbul

Behçet hastalığının klasik triadı sayılan tekrarlayan oral ve genital ülserasyonlar, tekrarlayan iridosiklit bir Türk dermatoloğu olan Hulusi Behçet tarafından ilk olarak 1937 yılında tanımlanmıstır. Hastalık gastrointestinal sistemi lokal veya difüz olarak tutabilir. Biz bu yazımızda klinikte ender olarak rastlanılan, rektal ülserli bir Behçet hastasını ayırıcı tanıları ile taktim ediyoruz.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Behçet Hastalığı, Gastrointestinal tutulum

Manuscript Language: English
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